Saint-Louis – 9.5m x 4m

Holiday at home and indulge in your own pool+spa experience with the Resort Series. This design gives you both swimming and relaxation zones all in one, perfect for warm summer nights after a long day at work

Resort Series

The Resort Series is packed with exciting features, including:

  • Wide entry step and large landing area featuring optional air bubbles that can be turned on to create a play area for the kids
  • 2m x 1.86m and 980mm deep spa zone, seats 6 adults and features 2 x recliner seats, bench seating and 12 jets (8 x spa jets and 4 x micro jets)
  • Heating provisions so the spa can be heated separately from the pool
  • Spillway between the spa and pool, with water seamlessly cascading into the pool
  • 600mm wide extended bench seat in the pool, providing the ideal rest zone or area for the kids to play
  • Deep end step for safe exit from the pool
  • 200mm wide edge beam – the strength is built into the pool
  • Variable skimmer box location, giving flexibility to suit the position of water features

Length: 9.5m
Width: 4m
Depth: 1.32m to 2.0m

Also in this Series

*Conditions apply

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